Sequencing and Bioinformatic Analysis of Genomes

Scientific and technological advancements have made it possible to explore the depths of the extremes the world has to offer. Besides the external world, these advancements have also made the internal world all the more accessible as well.
There is no end to the knowledge that is available at one’s fingertips when it comes to the rich inner life that is encompassed in the biological processes. One such boon provided by these advancements is that of the sequencing and bioinformatic analysis of genomes.
What is a Genome?
A genome can be described as a genetic instruction manual. A genome contains the complete genetic material of an organism. The genetic material also includes the genetic information that an organism needs to survive and reproduce. It also contains one’s DNA (deoxyribose nucleic acid). The study of genomes is called ‘Genomics.’
What Is Genome Sequencing?
If Genomes are an instructional manual, then the DNA it contains can be compared to the language the manual is written in. DNA in organisms is made of several ‘nucleotides.’ How these nucleotides are arranged in a DNA is unique in each organism.
The process of sequencing can be explained in terms of reading the language in which the manual is written. Genome sequencing helps in determining and finding the unique sequence of nucleotides that make up the DNA of an organism.
The field of Bioinformatics
The field of Bioinformatics is primarily an amalgamation between the two fields of Information Technology and Molecular Biology. Bioinformatics, as an interdisciplinary field, aims to provide the scientific analysis and interpretation of the information stored in the computational database.
Many software applications and numerous testing agencies use the principles of this very field. Some examples of these tests and applications are as follow:
GEDmatch Genesis
GEDmatch Genesis is an online service that allows people to upload their DNA results. There are many tools available on this site that people can use for various outcomes.
Another feature also allows people to calculate their ethnic percentage. The GEDmatch Genesis’ database also helps law enforcement in tracking down suspects by using genetic genealogy. This service also caters to amateur and professional researchers and genealogists.
Genopalate was founded in 2016 by Dr. Sherry Zhang, Dr. Paul Auer, and nutritionist Matt Edwards. The company was formed with an aim to provide people accurate and relevant information about the nutritional makeup of their body. Genopalate helps people in understanding their nutritional needs based on their genetics.
The company offers genetic testing and personalized nutritional analysis that provides information about a person’s metabolism, health markers, and the ability to process various vitamins. With the help of this information, Genopalate provides nutritional recommendations and recipes to their clients.
Genesight Psychotropic Test is a DNA test from Myriad Genetics. Genesight is a diagnostics test that helps in determining how a person would react to psychotropic medication. Psychotropic medicines primarily include those drugs that affect a person’s mental state, like antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication.
The Genesight test analyzes one’s genes to determine how a medication would affect a particular patient. This test eliminates the exhausting process of trial and error and helps doctors to prescribe a medicine that would be effective in the treatment of an illness, predominantly mood disorders.
Final words
The sequencing and bioinformatic analysis of genomes help one in finding crucial information and in solving various problems. Not only is this process a testament to the progress in the field of science and technology but also a significant addition to various other fields.
The process of sequencing and its analysis is a knight in shining armor for multiple disciplines, including that of justice, nutrition, and medicine, to name just a few.